Friday, May 2, 2014

Rest & Relaxation

Deadlines, suspense, hack-times, completion dates, time limit, target date, time frames, and cutoffs; the list goes on.  We are a busy people, going hear, trying to get there, late to this meeting, trying to squeeze that call in before the task is to be reported on; our sense of job completion can be insatiable, imposed by others or ourselves.

I don’t remember where I heard this, but it’s been said that the world is run by tired people.  As I look around and listen to colleagues, I somewhat believe this.  I’ve hinted at being tired with a smidgen of complaining thrown in. 
I’ve come to realize that my exhaustion level is determined by myself.  I was given the responsibility of this body and it’s totally up to me how I take care of it.  Our bodies can take a lot of punishment and were built to last, but that’s not a reason to abuse them or ourselves. 
We require a lot of and from our bodies and for the most part, they deliver.  However, we cannot continuously overload, overtax, overwork, and overwhelm ourselves without repercussions.  Our bodies will rebel, shutdown, or fail us when we need it the most. 
Our bodies are beautifully and wonderfully made.  Depending on who you ask, we are comprised of 7 to 11 major systems that make up our anatomy - all working harmoniously together, performing functions that we don’t give a second thought.  But without eating right, proper sleep, exercise, mental and emotional support we are jeopardizing our most prized possession – ourselves.

“Work Hard – Play Hard” by all means, however you will need to take a break at some point.  Take time to relax, find your balance, fine your center, find yourself; allow the body to repair itself – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Vacations/Staycations are a great way to do all the above, it just depends on your activity.  I’ve been on vacations that I’ve enjoyed to the fullest, but need to come home just to relax.  Take time to smell the roses; relax, reflect, and relate to the world around you.  You owe it to your family and yourself.  Health is taken for granted until it’s lost.

This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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