Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Power of Acceptance

It was Maya Angelou who said, “When people show you who they are, believe them”. This is where I’d like to start today.  Although this is a very real, very profound statement, I hadn't given it the depth of reasoning, and thought that it actually deserves. 
As we live we learn; what I’ve learned is that this idiom goes farther, or should I say, gets closer than I first thought.  I’d taken this truth to heart and used it as a filter as it pertains to associates, strangers, and my haters or enemies.
As people interact with you, you get to know a little bit about them.  Their attitude, character, and integrity show; even if they don’t mean for them to become evident.  According to the Bible, whatever is in the heart, eventually will be spoken from the mouth; my paraphrase.

Usually when you enter into some one’s presence for the first time, we both are on our best behavior; however we both also have our antennas up trying to get a feel for who this person really is.  After a conversational encounter with them, we have a pretty good idea as to whether or not this person is genuine or this is a relationship that we’d like to pursue.

Although the above is true, it’s not the specific point that I want to make today.  I stated earlier that I’ve learned that the idiom goes further than I thought.  I’d like to explain what I mean by that. 
Not only is this statement true for those that we don’t have much trust in or the ones we keep at arms-length; it’s also true for those that we do trust and take into our bosom.  Maya Angelou’s statement is true for both; although there is a different approach for those closest to us.

We must give those closest to us permission and room to grow.  Who you are today is not the same person you were nine months ago.  Even those subtle changes in one’s mind-set, world view, or behavior have the ability to throw off the equilibrium of a relationship.

We are creatures of habit and like things to stay the same or where we put them.  Don’t put loved ones in a box.  Boxes are restrictive, designed to keep things in or controlled; they are not for people – life doesn’t do well in boxes.

Become a student of your wife, children, family, or friends.  There is always growth; the only constant in life is change.  They are constantly changing, constantly evolving, constantly developing, constantly growing and becoming.  Growing into and becoming the persons that you love.  You’ve loved the person that they were; you love the person they are; now make a conscious decision to love the person they become.

This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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