Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bad Habit

A simple “Thank You” is all that’s required when someone does something for you.  It does not matter how large or small.  I don’t think a thank you should be in proportion to the deed or gift; it simply should be warm and sincere.  I hope that we are not losing the art of being cordial and polite.

Today’s quote I’m being facetious about a bad habit, simply to bring attention to common courtesy.  Some things that I see now-a-days are the opposite of what I was taught growing up.  My father even said it would happen; he said that the time is coming when people will call right wrong and wrong right.  At the young age of nine, I didn’t understand how that was possible, but here we are in the twenty-first century and it’s blatant.

Chivalry is not dead.  I still believe in letting my wife in and out of the car or holding the door open to allow a lady to walk through first.  I understand that some of my feminist friends may be insulted because of my actions; however, I must be true to who I am. 
I’m from the south; Mom and Dad not only taught me to say thank you, but also taught me to say yes ma’am and no sir.  Being from the south coupled with southern hospitality, while walking down the street and we pass each other, I am obliged to give you the greeting of the day.  Doing unto others as I would like them to do unto me and a sense of fair play is engrained into my psyche.

You can make a difference in some one’s life with a simple smile or greeting.  Life can be cruel at times and you never know what others are dealing with on a daily basis; the smallest little thing, any random act of kindness can save someone from having a bad day.  The power to encourage someone is within you.  Use it; encouragement isn’t encouragement until it has encouraged someone.  Be the catalyst in your home, office, or community and brighten some one's day.

This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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