Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Failure Script Flip

Nobody’s perfect, let’s just get that out of the way.  We’ve all started out with good intentions, but along the way we ran into a road block or obstacle that hindered us from achieving our goal.
We all have attempted something and failed.  Failure is not new nor is it our foe, although it may feel like it.  I think it may be rational to say that failure is a fair but hard taskmaster that will not accept less than what is necessary to achieve.

Failure is neither partial nor biased; it treats us all the same.  It’s up to us as to how we react to the consequences of not measuring up and/or rejection.  The lessons that we learn from our past failures are the lessons that we must and should teach to our children.

I must say failure is multi-faceted in how it affects our psyche; it can be devastating and heartbreaking.  However it is not the end of your dreams.  It’s simply the beginning of starting over.  To continue to do the same thing and expect a different result is insanity, according to Einstein.

Instead of beating ourselves up over failures, we should take the lessons learned and build upon them. The experience has made you smarter and wiser; at least you know where one of the pitfalls is located.  Our life experience is what makes us uniquely who we are.  Failure is a part of that experience; it has its own special way of building our character.  One of the benefits is that you’ve been qualified to instruct and advise others in such matters, especially as it pertains to your situation and experience.

I’m an eternal optimist. So after careful reflection, I’ve decided to use the negative experience and view it from a positive angle. I choose for it to work for my good; I choose to grow from it.  I now know what not to do; it has become a beneficial growth experience and O by the way, this makes failure not an option.

This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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