Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It Came to Pass


The uncertainty of life is a very real thing; however, sometimes it’s the uncertainties that keep us guessing and keeps life interesting; it all has to do with our perception or point of view.  We go through a lot of situations; some good and some not so good.

We want a level of security in our lives.  More to the point of when it seems like our world has been turned upside down and all hell breaks loose, we would like to know that everything will be alright.  Lionel, a cartoon character, always had his security blanket, it made him feel safe.  We should all have something that we look to in order to maintain that feeling of safety and security.

Earlier in my adult life, I would stress over situations that would arise.  I’ve always been a believer in controlling the things that I can control, but the things that were outside of my bailiwick; let’s just say that was another matter-not necessarily a pretty picture.

Within my short time on this earth, I’ve learned that at times it’s necessary to put my trust in others.  This has served me well, however, that’s not all. I’ve also learned that I must trust God.  I’ve had to believe that what was said was true as well as trust in their ability to accomplish what was promised.  Of course God’s ability far exceeds people, but you get my point.

Being able to keep calm in a stressful situation, especially when the world is spinning out of control is a neat trick; and finding that place of great peace seems very elusive.  Situations and circumstances come and go in our lives and yes some have a greater affect than others, however they don’t last always.  Finding a stable and secure place to wait out the storms of life, I believe is critical.  Mental, emotional, and spiritual security, I believe, is vital to our health. 
I’ve been able to find this in some relationships with people, but mostly with God.  Life has its disturbing moments, but they eventually pass.  Learning the truths of the word of God has greatly contributed to my ability to maintain serenity during those stressful times.  I don’t always get this right, however I’m learning and have a place to go for help.

Allow me to quote a familiar hymn, “O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bare, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer”.
So get through the process; go through the situation; you will be the better for it because your destiny awaits.

This has been your 8 to 80 seconds of encouragement.


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