Friday, April 18, 2014

Me Knowing Me

I’m still getting to know me.  Every day brings a little growth in some shape or fashion; over time the growth is noticeable by others.  I want that growth to be positive, however if I’m honest with myself, it doesn’t always happen that way.

We’re not the same person that we were in our twenties, thirties or forties, etc.  Our bodies change, our minds change, as well as our priorities.  We understand that the only constant in life is change.  Anything that does not change or grow- in this world is dead.  We as individuals are in a constant state of flux; we are becoming.  What we become is an individual choice.

It can be argued that we are three different persons; who we were, who we are, and who we will become.  This can become a crisis in some people’s lives; an identity crisis or a mid-life crisis.  Whatever the case, the search for one’s self is critical and crucial to the meaning of life itself.

Because of this growth, people may say that you’ve changed.  For the most part that is a true statement.  My outlook may change; my priorities may change and with that it produces a change of heart and mind.  I may eliminate some toxic relationships or discontinue so some acquaintances as a result of the changes.  So in hindsight, yes, we may change; but change is good in some cases.

We should always seek to better ourselves, our lot in life, and our situation..  We should never stop learning; never stop growing.  This knowledge is not confined to a learning institution; life has a lot to teach us if we are attentive.

I believe it was Shakespeare that said, “To thine own self be true”.  Whatever you do or wherever you go in life make sure that it’s something that you want.  I believe finding one’s purpose in life goes a long way to enjoying that life to the fullest.

We are ever evolving, ever growing so make sure that the definition of you is your definition; one of which you can live with.  Those that love you will accept who you’re becoming.  They will love you just the same.  Be the best you-you can be; trust me you’re an expert at it.

This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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