Thursday, April 10, 2014

Picking Up the Pieces

Life can truly be a roller-coaster ride; fun, daring, and exciting all at the same time. However, it can also be dangerous, treacherous, and scary.  It’s the latter that is at the core of today’s topic; when life shatters your heart, dreams, and peace of mind.

I’ve had my heart broken in relationships; I’ve lost a parent, I’ve not gotten things that I thought by every right should’ve been mine.  These things had a significant emotional effect on my mental and emotional well-being.  Nevertheless, these events have made me the man I am today; one that appreciates love; thankful for family; and grateful for life itself-along with the people in it. 
God has blessed me in many different ways.  He has kept me from myself and has been more loving, gracious, and merciful than I truly realize.  So many wonderful things that He has done, not only can I not tell them all, I don’t even know them all.

I will admit, going through the brokenness of life was not enjoyable, but it did teach me something about myself.  It also taught me that I’m never alone.  As much as my heart was breaking, God never left me alone.  I was amazed at the fact that no one around me could relate to what I was going through or how I was feeling.  I felt like I could barely breathe; it felt as though a boulder was sitting on my chest and heart; I was so emotionally heavy.

Hind sight being 20/20, God being with me made the difference.  I don’t know how, but He made the hurt sweet.  You might not understand that unless you’ve experienced it, but it felt as though someone was present that experienced what it was like to be betrayed, left, or denied.  

As I submitted my situation to God, although my heart was broken into a million pieces, He took those pieces, cared for them, nurtured them, and put my heart back together.  He is the master of the heart as well as the master of broken pieces.  He masterfully guided me through the shadows of emotional death, and breathed life back into me.  I’m thankful that God cares the way He does.

Your situation is not hopeless or helpless.  Our heavenly Father wants to intervene on your behalf and heal the emotional hurts that you feel and face.  Give Him a chance, give Him a try; you won’t regret it.

This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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