Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Taking off the Mask

The Bible says that out of the heart our mouth speaks.  Who you are, what you think, how you feel all comes from the heart.  There are times that we mask all of the above for one reason or another; however, I believe the truth will eventually reveal itself.

Thus begins the conversation of today’s topic.  At times we mask our intentions, our emotions, and thoughts.  This could be a defense mechanism or just down-right deception.  Whatever the reason, it’s best to be honest with the people around you.  If it’s not immoral, unethical, or illegal, you should be able to share your emotions, intentions, and thoughts with those you interact with.  I believe that you can say anything, to anyone; it just depends on the delivery.  My father always taught me to think twice, speak once.

I know at times it may be difficult to put into words what you’re feeling; at times we get caught up in the moment and what is said doesn’t come out just right; the mouth engages before the brain has a chance to think it through.  I’m glad God created the verbal tool called an apology.

  My attempt is to think about what I say, how it affects me; then determine how it will affect the person that I’m speaking to.  Sometimes the timing may not be right and you forego until a more appropriate setting; just make sure that the issue is revisited and not just swept under the rug.  If it’s was important enough to wait for a better time, then it’s important enough to bring up again.  You owe it to the person that they hear it from you and not someone else.

Masking your intentions, emotions, and thoughts is just hard work.  As for me, I’d rather be free of the burden of tip-toeing around in deception and just be free to be who I am.  I owe that to me, you owe it to yourself; we must be free to be.  I believe whatever is in your heart will eventually come out, so why not dictate the terms.  Living in honesty and truth is just so liberating; people know where you stand and know that you can be trusted.

So instead of spending the energy trying to conceal your reservation, hurts, pains or disappointment, take off the mask.  If our hearts reveal our true selves, why not be true to who we are sooner rather than later.  Transparency, honesty, and truth are not to be feared, but embraced in order to produce a better you. 
This has been your 80 seconds of encouragement.


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